Monday, 24 February 2014

Picture of Cassilis, but if so Where...........

This picture was given to us by Rose Gallagher and she seemed to think that it was a picture of Cassilis somewhere.
Where in Cassilis might this be?

It was painted by a lady whose name Rose thought was Pat, but not certain, though she was sure her surname was Trist.

We wonder if anyone has any idea where this view might be. It was painted in 1975 according to the date on the back and it is called Golden Sands, which seem to suggest something of a Queensland Beach.

However, we think it might have been the mullock left behind after the gold was extracted from the crushed ore?

We are on the lookout and as was suggested to us, we might find a clue if we can discover the horizon somewhere? Though it might not be true at all, there is a good chance that it is. The form of those mountains would not have changed so much even after all those decades. Mountains have a tendency to endure.