This is government and community working together. A synergistic cooperation that benefits all community members and visitors to the area alike.
Attracting people of all ages to participate in the enjoyment of the outdoors. The Cassilis recreation reserve benefits the community and it's visitors through open air experience of the natural world environment and flora and fauna discovery.
There is much for which to be thankful.
The Cassilis Recreation Reserve Committee of Management has a good relationship with the Swifts Creek DELWP.
The committee hopes that when the baits for foxes and feral dogs are dropped. The DELWP are mindful of the fact that many local people as well as visitors take their companion dogs to the Recreation Reserve for a run and play.
People have asked about the baiting of animals, and if it is distant from the reserve, and it is not certain, but should be, that the baits are not a danger to companion animals that accompany their owners to the Cassilis reserve area.